I am feeling overwhelmed, there is so many changes I want to make in our lives and at times it feels impossible. I want our family to eat whole foods, healthy non packaged products. At the same time I'm desperately trying to save our family money. Trying not to eat out, clip coupons, grow our own foods. I want to de- clutter our home and lives and reduce the waste we make, which is a lot!!
Some days we back slide and I am ashamed to say that yes, we ate at McDonalds twice this past week. Its been months and some days we are so crammed full of stuff to do and are tired. A good excuse? No, its not, but unfortunately it happens. I feel like I haven't come very far with our transformation and there is so much still do so. Will I ever get there? Not just doing it, but to first convince the family (my husband mainly) and then having to change our habits etc. Its not easy.
If I think about it, I have done some big changes.
I clip coupons, I don't use the ones for junk but for household items or personal hygiene items. ( One day I hope I can really eliminate most of these products and make my own) However for now I can use coupons and search out the deals and have saved my family a fair amount in this area.
I bake and make most of our foods from scratch. No processed foods (for the most part,remember the Mcdonalds trip) I pack my kiddies lunches with homemade cookies, breads, yogurts etc. Takes some trial and error with the tastes but they are getting there.
I am planning a garden and will hopefully be busy this summer, canning and freezing veggies and fruits. I am really looking forward to this.
I've changed our cleaning products as I didn't want the chemicals in my home around my kiddies. My main cleaning agent is vinegar and water. I hope soon to make my own laundry detergent, which once I do I will post about it.
I guess I can't snap my fingers and have everything changed. However I never knew it would be so time consuming and would take so long to get there. My changes seem so minimal and there are hundreds of more things I want and need to do. Will I ever get there?
For now I will remain focused on feeding my family whole and good foods. Make more of an effort so soon I can say there is no junk in our lives and no one will be craving it.
I will also focus on eliminating wastes. First I have to do a major de-clutter of my home and feel once this is done we will be able to run things easier. I no longer want plastic sandwich bags, yogurt containers(as I usually make my own yogurt) etc. in our lunches.
Although there are so many more things I have to try to realize it won't happen over night...or over 3 months time. Its a lifestyle change and that will take some time and a lot of effort.
What are some of your goals? Any tips anyone wants to share?
Take care